Recently a friend of mine asked me if I have some useful microservces links and videos - to quickly get started. So here - I made one. A gentle introduction to what’s the crack about this microservices thing.

If you are about to start the journey to microsrvices and wonder where is a good point - here is an my opinionated list.

Start with Sander Hoogendoorn; either a blog post or a video Sander references many books and/or arcticles, but also covers some basics. The presentation flow is nice - to it’s a plesant experience to listen to Sander.

If you are a reading person, than Sam Newman’s book is the classic of microservices writing: (or a Polish translation -,budmik.htm). It’s a nice, gentle introduction. Sam has an elegant style and the book reads like a prose - not a technical gibrish book. However, if you expect concrete code examples with a set of recipes - that’s not there. It’s more of a consultancy talk, after which you feel really happy and inspired - not a war time stories with all the possible problems and fuckups.

Being in the Thoughtworks "radar", you can’t miss this article: - which pretty much triggered the whole discussion (by Martin Fowler and James Lewis).

If you think - the whole microservices thing is for you, you can either start with microservices ( or with monolith ( As you can see - there is always more than one answer.

And how to start is not the only problem. When you start getting your head around the basic concepts, when you think you are "groking the framework" - you should start to see some 'non-functional' aspects of microservices architecture. Like:

If you find some other articles are worth mentioning - leave a link in the comments sections and let this list grow.

My take on the microservices journey is here: - which can be a one, two or three days workshop.