33degree 2014 Braindump
Think for yourself; Marry Poppendieck
What great software engineers do: Sharpen the saw (develop expertise), share responsibility (deliver a real value), see the shadow of the future (make the world a better place)
Positive psychology. Started by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - when he started to write what’s good with you people as opposed to most psychologist who wrote what’s bad with you.
Elements needed to become an expert: Coach, challenge, feedback, steady progress towards getting things done
Brilliant Systems. Mental model match: those developing the system and those actually using the system.
App idea: the education datapalooza - as the Health Data Initiative Forum. The Health Datapalooza. Gather, collect and open the data for everybody
healthcare.gov - everybody did their job, according to the spec. But all together - it didn’t work.
moving delivery organization to engineering organization:
delivery organization are becoming obsolete. Analyze how the time is spent in the organization (a practical approach to large scale agile development. Gary Gruver, Mike Yound and Pat Fulghum)
accept you are wasting money on planning
lack of control is not a problem. Instant feedback is a better way to control the process
Managers are from Mars; Ted Newards
Read more about Frederick Winslow Taylor. Taylor coined: you can’t manage if you cannot measure.
It’s said that this statement is flawed and was made up
Alan Cooper. "The Inmates are Running the Asylum"
Nie koduj, pisz prozę; Sławek Sobotka
The best quotes from Slawek Sobotka:
wszyscy wypróżniaja sie do tego samego Gita
encja na twarz i pchasz
Metody szacowania
Metoda szacowania L.W.P.z.D. "Liczby Wyciągnięte Prosto z Dupy"
Metoda Parkinsona
techniki lingwistyczne przy opisie historyjki: okazuje sie ze Wasze panie od polskiego prawie programowaly
w obiektowych programowaniu lubimy od tylu: reguły → znaczenie (kontekst) → słowa
sesja modelowania ze smutnymi ludźmi! nie używaj bleh albo blah to używaj greckich liter. Faktura razy dwa
na samym końcu dobieraj słowa - jak zrozumiesz kontekst i znaczenie na podstawie reguł
co sie dzieje na sesji CRC zostaje na sesji CRC
to była młodość. Chormony budują. Pierwszy wąs i Dune2
dobry obiekt jest
apatyczny. Nie chce mu sie robić
introwertyczny. Obiekty nie wchodzą z butami w inne obiekty
samolubny. Robi tylko swoje
switche pisze senior, junior pisze ify
hiper wymiarowa macierz statusów
podstawowa zasada w aplikacjach biznesowych to zmapowac (map), zredukować (reduce) i zwinąć w lewo (foldleft)
Integracja: jeden demon sie wypróżnia a drugi sprawdza czy juz
Twoj model biznesu jest suma błędów poprzednich pokoleń.
Klucz obcy to biznes znalazł u zony w torebce. Trafiłes w czuły punkt, nie dziw się że nie chcą z Tobą gadać.
The missing link of agile; Paweł Badenski
minimize threat (you a run away from) and maximize reward (walk towards)
every social interaction on the project relates to the above
also feedback
Feedback. Is an observation not judgement
improve people
feedback avoidance
Little threat in small batches (30minutes a day) is less worse than one big threat. Avoid the lizard brain, approach feedback mindfully -
giving advice
Objective feedback. From non violent communication. Refer to objectives: things you see and feel. Noone can argue with that, it’s very yours
lizard response: fight, flight or freeze
TED talks on neuroscience http://blog.ketyov.com/2011/01/top-10-neuroscience-ted-talks.html
Emotional intelligence is the basic tool for software developer
corrective feedback
watch out bully language. Judgement
feedback is always subjective
label the feelings - it’s easier to handle the emotions when you know what it is
Go Reactive; Roland Kuhn
starting point: the user
user is not necessarily a human.
responsiveness: always available, interactive, (near) real time
not http timeout! much faster, appropriate for service
resilience. Responsive in the face of failure
one failure should not take down all other containers (comportment construction as if Titanic)
same happens for application servers: each application server is a compartment, which cascades the other nodes.
asynchronous calls cause synchronous calls implies coupling
make somebody’s else exception somebody else problem. Failer response goes to the owner, all other response returns to the user
CAP theorem. Consistence. Availability. Partion tolerance. Theorem is proven impossible to have all three.
does it really needed? Who needs it?
take ATMs. You cannot got all three at the same time, otherwise you won’t be able to take money in certain situations (offline)
Saiku – taking OLAP databases into 21st century; Tomek Nurkiewicz
great talk from Tomek, heard him for the first time - my bad
project for BigData. OpenSource OLAP cubes.
Exploring Nashorm; Vankat Subramaniam
"JavaScript treats you like a guest in its house. It never complains and quietly laughs at you behind your back"
this idea: coffescript DSL run in the Server side as script with Nashorn
How to define Success at your level; Kai Gilb
focus on values. Connect stakeholder with values and derive requirements from that
keep iterations small. Week at most